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Twitter from the command line

programming linux twitter Technology

I’ve recently started playing with twitter. A nice way to use it via the command-line (using curl) was suggested here. I have taken that and improved slightly on it.

Here is the result:

echo -n “twitter> “
read text

while [ ${#text} -gt 140 ]; do

echo “Message too long; used ${#text}/140 characters."
echo -n “twitter> “
read text


echo “Message is ${#text}/140 characters.  Press enter to post, or Ctrl+C to cancel."

curl –basic –user “username:password” –data-ascii “status=echo $text|tr ' ' '+'” “" &> /dev/null

To use the script, copy all of that into a file somewhere in your path, then make the file executable (e.g., chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/twitter).  Now you can type ’twitter’, type in your tweet, and you’re done!

I even set up fluxbox so that mod4+t launches a terminal with the script running.  To do that, I added this to ~/.fluxbox/keys:

Mod4 t :Exec xterm -e “twitter”

If you’re not familiar with ‘mod4’, it is the Windows key on most PC keyboards.

I’ll eventually get around to writing a slightly more full-featured twitter updater in c or c++.  Until then, enjoy this script!